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Closing the Waste Cycle and Its Spiritual Significance

Unless you've been living under a rock, and I know some of us have, you've heard of the circular economy. It's only the end game for humanity.

The idea of the circular economy is to close the waste cycle by creating an economy where everything we make and use can be either reused or broken down to become the raw materials for new creations. In order to achieve holistic sustainability, a prerequisite for the afterlife, we need to be mindful of our creation and recycle everything.

When I say we need to recycle everything, I don't mean toss all of our waste into the recycling bin (if you even have one) and recycle it. Recycling everything is a collective and moving target for every entity.

Our brothers and sisters in nature have already achieved a circular economy amongst themselves. Unfortunately, we came in like a wrecking ball with our restless hands and blew everything out of proportion. It is far more complicated for humans to achieve a circular economy because we are blessed with the need to create. Creating makes a mess that most of us have no interest in cleaning up after.

Some of us are interested though. Others are fascinated with the potential for community and creation the circular economy brings. Most light workers subscribe to the euphoria of this ideal and none will deny the need for it.

You see, the circular ideology applies to physical waste, but it also applies to spiritual 'waste'. Our consciousness is always recycled through the beautiful phenomenon of reincarnation, but as it stands, pieces are being lost along the way because we aren't reutilizing (read: healing) them effectively. Realistically, the world at large is a reflection of our collective struggle.

If you feel inclined, I invite you to focus your shadow work around something that makes a positive contribution not just to yourself but to the world around you. Focus on your gifts and how you can use them to achieve a 'higher' purpose. Slowly, but surely, we are approaching the circular and the responsibility lies with all of us to pursue it.

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