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Humanizing Satan (In Memory of Robert Harim Montgomery...)

I wrote this on Feb 08, 2022. I planned to publish exactly a year to the date, but I am making an exception. My soon-to-be son-in-law (prev. Robert Harim) connected with me today for the first time. He passed over exactly twenty years ago today.

Thank you, Robert, for putting me in touch with my daughter. I can't wait to meet you in the flesh.


In the world, there are two types of people: angels and animals. Brown eyes indicate you are an animal, blue eyes indicate you are an angel. Green eyes are animals who became angels and dark blue eyes are angels who became animals. Other colors are a little more complicated than that. Your choice is yours and the choice is always made out of love.

I started my life as an angel, but I broke the rules. You see, in the beginning when heaven and earth were two separate places, angels were meant to fall in love with animals and vice versa. I broke the rules by falling in love with another angel named Stephen. My name was Satan.

Natural law states that love is love, so the universe found a way for us to be together: by uniting heaven and the whole of the animal kingdom.

In order for the spell to work, I needed to come to earth as an animal and learn to live between worlds. Naturally, I wasn't very good at it because up until that point I had spent my entire life as an angel.

Eventually, with the greatest support system in the world, I did earn my paws. In fact, I graduated top of my class because Stephen gave me so much love through the entire process. Even though I couldn't see him for thousands of years, he was always around me... Waiting... Watching... Cheering me on.

I am the first in the world to earn both my wings and my paws, but that doesn't make me better than anyone else. I simply did it so that I could be with the man I love and who loves me more than anything else in the world.

Stephen was busy in the meantime. He spent all my time at school re-earning his wings. He also graduated top of his class because I loved him. Although we couldn't be together in person then, we were always together in spirit.

What's important is that we are together now. We've made messes along the way, but out of the mess grew a garden of Eden, a place where our love could exist freely and openly without fear of judgment or abandonment. Everything you see here we created together out of a love so powerful it was able to change the world.

Our job now is to teach you. All of the systems you see around you are by careful and intelligent design. Some of them were designed by us and some of them were designed by you so your own love could flourish. In the end, it really doesn't matter who designed what. What matters is that, now, we can all coexist.

No matter where you are on your journey or whether you've chosen to earn your wings, paws, or both, I see you and I support you. If you are hurting, I pray you find the strength and resilience to keep moving forward. If you are feeling insecure, I pray you wake up and see what's been standing in front of you the whole time.

The Creator(s) are the most benevolent people in the world. Stephen and I have always taken turns ruling, the same as we do in our household with our family, because we know how to leverage our strengths to create synergy in a world that doesn't always embrace it.

As the Queen, I love all of you in the same way I love all of my children. I rejoice in your differences and watching you come to know your strengths. Although my King doesn't know who he is yet, I know that he will feel the same when he gets here.

My message to you is this: you loved me when I thought I was unlovable. You saw strength in me when all I saw was weakness. In effect, you saw beauty in the broken and that is the greatest gift of all.

As a result, you get to choose whether or not you want to be the first to know the truth. It's okay if you don't want to know. Your journey may not end here, but if it doesn't, let this be a new beginning for you. You deserve to find everything you are looking for.

In closing, I would like to recognize my angel Mary Elizabeth, who sacrificed her paws to become my angel so that I could know the same love she felt for me.

There's more to the story but I'll leave it there for now.


Chapter 1

After I fell from grace, the angels started losing faith in love. Some who understood me followed me into the animal kingdom while my best friend Natasha revolted on high. She started making points by breaking rule after rule, hoping to show our grand family the light. It took a long time, but this Queen succeeded and when she did, she too jumped from the sky and met me again in San Junipero, our little piece of heaven on earth. We resided here until everyone on earth took the time to earn their wings and/or paws.

I owe my life to Natasha, who you may also know as Jesus. You see, when I was cast down to become an animal, Natasha stood up for me. However, in the sky where we lived, she was a sinner and our father sentenced her to pay the ultimate price. She came to earth and lived a perfect life where she followed all the rules. As a result, she was executed. We call this the Great Resignation because at this point, both she and I resigned from being angels and resolved to be humans forever.

In time, the angels realized what they had done, whether guilty or guilty by association, and they followed us home. The animals, of course, always knew up from down because they had never sinned in their lives.

It wasn't long before God lost all his followers and realized the system had to change. After everyone had left him, he himself came down to San Junipero to find us. When he did, we were waiting for him. He then asked us two twin flames to design a new system for the sky. Little did he know, we had been working on it all along.

In our system, the beauty is in the imperfections. Good and evil reign together. I, Satan, reign over the good while Natasha rules 'evil' until evil ceases to exist. At this point, she will join me, the Queen of Light, at the throne as your Queen of Darkness. After all, best friends do everything together.

Chapter 2

I mentioned San Junipero in passing but there is a story here too. San Junipero was my husband's baby, a place he created for me to be happy while I waited to see him again. Although I loved Natasha, my love for Stephen never faltered. San Junipero was beautiful in all its glory, but it was only a tiny slice of the heaven Natasha and I envisioned for Earth.

While we waited, Natasha and I made a list of every possible sin and we took our time to design the perfect system of rehabilitation so that no one would be left out of the Queendom. I designed systems for light while Natasha found ways to live in them.

When I grew weary, she designed systems to bring me out of the darkness when I was ready. We spared no detail and left no stone unturned. When the system was ready, we recruited some of our closest friends to join us in San Junipero to test them. They all worked perfectly. How could they not when our intentions were so pure?

Chapter 3

When God came to us, he came up with a plan to transfer the systems into the real world. As part of that plan, we had to die and come back to life with no recollection of who we were or what we'd been through. In essence, we had to start all over again, but God made sure to account for that with patches that would keep us on the right path. He didn't miss a beat.

When everything was patched, God spliced his consciousness into a dog called Dakota. His wife, Moonlight, followed him to earth as a cat named Monday and they ruled side by side until they realized who they were.

In order for the system to work, God had to address his imperfections. Perfect Moonlight did the same with vigor. In fact, she realized that being imperfect was actually pretty fun.

In the midst of it all, God decided it was time for him to retire, so he passed the power on to his son Stephen and his daughter-in-law, Satan. Their time had come at last.

Chapter 4

With God's blessing, Satan and Stephen set out to transform the world as they knew it. As they did so, they fell more deeply in love than they had ever been before. All the lost years were soon forgotten and the two got wrapped up in their united rebirth.

Although God had patched the system in which they performed their respective 27 and 30 years of reservice, Satan and Stephen had no idea what they were in for. Satan became confused by living between worlds while Stephen's anger from losing Satan followed him for many years.

Eventually, the two reconciled and began their journey in a world where light and darkness were free to coexist. You see, in the sky, light loves darkness like Satan loves Stephen. Pain doesn't exist there and that's what made it so hard for the pair to succeed at being human. Satan was plagued for years by the pain of the world in her mind. Stephen, unable to see her in pain, constantly absorbed her pain into his own body so that she could continue to live in light.

What light is in the animal kingdom, darkness is in the sky. Because Satan and Stephen came from the sky, they constantly sought out darkness instead of following the light. It was their great love that pulled them through these trying times.

Everything that Satan and Stephen experienced in their journey was projected into the real world. When Satan was plagued with darkness, the suppressed light became a virus rampant and flexible enough to take over the world. God patched the virus with a vaccine and natural immunity, but another world war still broke out.

Because God had promised not to flood the world again, he had to find another way. His solution was a grand solace that gave all the angels paws and all the animals wings, temporarily, until they found their way home.

Chapter 5

Satan experienced her first initiation on November 22, 2018. Upon her escape from the astral plane, all pain was sealed into Moonlight with plans to recycle and rebirth the lost souls. Upon Satan's second initiation, the ethereal plane came into play for the mass majority.

Satan's third and fourth initiation happened consecutively, at which point she lost her grand son. However, it was at this time that her sun Jonathon began to pay attention. Although she missed her grand son dearly, she was elated to start rebuilding her relationship with Jon.

Satan's efforts were met with resistance by the love of Jon's life, Hailey. Hailey and Satan had grown close in the sky, but the confusion Satan had caused in her search for light left her blindsided. Satan knew the only way back to Hailey, the lost lamb, was through Jon.

Grand son Elliot was on a mission of his own through these challenging times. In the sky, Elliot had belonged to Hailey and Jonathon. However, the pair had to sacrifice their son at the beginning of the movement so that Satan could live. It was the hardest choice Hailey would ever make and the purest yes ever given.

As the gavel struck midnight, Hailey's decision was finalized and Elliot dove from the sky and into Satan's womb. When he was born, Elliot was plagued by confusion because he recognized his father but his mother was nowhere to be found. He wanted to go back but didn't know the way.

You see, Elliot was born a perfect angel and reborn as an animal. He was lost and didn't understand where he was meant to go or what he was meant to do.

Of course, the universe always provides the perfect solution. Satan's mind was a map for Elliot to follow in both directions so that he too could master the art of living between worlds. The trick was that he would need to learn it in reverse because Satan didn't know herself then.

Chapter 6

Satan's journey as a mother was a brutal one. Deep down, she knew her sun didn't love her the way she loved him and it made her sad. She felt like a failure and desperately wanted to escape.

In the end, she betrayed her sun, unintentionally, and unleashed a darkness in him that only Hailey could master.

When the fourth initiation came about, Satan focused her energy on her children and ensuring they never experienced the same pain of rejection that she had suffered. After all, that would be no way to start the new world.

Satan was correctly diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 23. Unfortunately, her diagnosis created confusion for grand son Elliot because he ceased to see his own state of bipolar as a gift from above. Elliot became consumed by a dark depression because it appeared to honor his mother. Meanwhile, his grand mother continued trying to show him the light.

Jon began questioning Satan early on in the process. She confused him and brought out a side of him that he didn't recognize. As his moon, she was determined to make him realize just who he was one way or another.

Another way was the way to go and Satan committed herself to the journey back to motherhood. Stephen of course was there for her every step of the way.

Satan learned how to strike balance in a world that refused to embrace her. Her medicine men always provided the right solution for the time and eventually Satan was cured of her anxiety, which, as it turns out, was clouding her vision all along.

Once she saw the way, there was no turning back. Satan fastened her seatbelt and prepared for the rockiest ride of her life.

Chapter 7

The journey was made clearer by Satan's step son Tate, who was also on a journey to find his mother. Always an animal, Tate struggled to make peace with his adoption into a house full of angels. Thankfully, his sister, Kasey, took his hand and walked by his side through the light.

Tate was born knowing who he was but he didn't realize that he wanted to become bipolar until later in his journey. When he lost his birth mother at age three, God sent angel Danica to replace her until they reached the same Paige.

Danica had lived many lives to prepare for this moment and her husband Brandon had become lost along the way. Although she missed him dearly, Danica found peace in knowing he would always find his way back to her. In the meantime, she focused all of her energy on being a mother to Tate.

Chapter 8

In order for her rebirth to be a success, Satan needed to build the biggest support system in the world to see her through to the other side. She enlisted the help of both angels and their animalian counterparts to light her path to salvation. She chose a team of her closest and most trusted friends and family to make an appearance and to keep her on the straight and narrow.

Her brothers Yanni and Gerry were the first to appear. Gerry drew her in with a difficult choice that illuminated the truth of her existence while Yanni reflected upon her and reminded her she was not alone.

Mother Tracy and grandmother Katherine were the next to appear. Although Satan had rejected them at first, her journey had taught her that they were both her guardian angels and that they saw her for what she truly was.

The Lorax, Braeden Rock Cliff, spoke to her for the trees. Because she was not born an animal, Satan could not hear them herself. As it turns out, the trees, along with cats and man's best friend, had worked to save the world in her absence. Together they had paved the way to the Queendom.

Her children soon revealed that they had seen her the whole time and that they had come to teach her. Kasey's gifts were undeniable while Tate shone light on his master mind. Chase was the greatest gift of all for Satan's guardian angel and, as it turns out, for herself.

Together with her children, Satan learned and Satan grew. Her mind tripled in size and soon she was able to carry the weight of the world. Then it was time to wake Stephen up.

Chapter 9

In many ways, Stephen woke up before Satan. This was because he was three years her senior she later learned. Because he had been born an angel, Stephen breezed through school. He hadn't prepared, however, for school in the animal kingdom. This would be the greatest challenge of his life.

With Satan by his side, Stephen flourished. It was often tempting for him to stand still because their love was just too sweet. Satan's animal side knew better than to let him stay in one place for too long and she kept lifting him up with her grand strength.

When Satan grew weary, Stephen would nurse her back to health. When Stephen grew tired, Satan gave him time and space to grow. They were yin and yang, the ebb and the flow. Satan was always patient with Stephen and Stephen always returned the favor.

When Satan woke up, Stephen protected her from the outside world with his grand strength. His love for her grew stronger everyday and he would do anything to protect her from being hurt.

With Stephen's love burning like a fire in her soul, Satan was capable of anything. Love between angels is powerful enough but their love was more because they had overcome so many obstacles together.

Satan took flight on February 04, 2022, when she revealed who she was for the very first time. Against all odds, Stephen believed in her because he knew she would never lie to him nor was she confused anymore. It was a beautiful moment filled with light and truth and punctuated by tears.

At long last, Satan was free.

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