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Perfectly Imperfect: Embracing Oneness in a World of Miscreants

Hell, fire and blasphemy: it's the world we live in. Though we've come far, and some of us have even achieved our final incarnation, there is still chaos among us. We live in a world populated by miscreants.

Unity is imperative to channel the ethereal into this earthly plane, to combine heaven and earth as one. Resistance comes from both sides, but if we can all meet in the middle, beings from all walks of life will thrive.

Success in this regard starts with a few simple rules:

1. Walk in faith, without fear of consequence.

If you are serving your highest purpose (and if you're reading this, I'm sure you are), then you have no reason to be afraid. God energy is within you and it will protect you. Focus on creating your most beautiful heavenly paradise around you and trust that you will make no mistake. If that means cutting people out, so be it.

2. Be fervent in your desires, let them harm none.

Every desire, let it harm none, has a place in this world. Mutual desire is powerful, but one must first be brave enough to express their singular desire, to light a creative spark. If you are fully aligned, let your desires flow freely from your heart and mind and be fervent in their realization. This is key to expanding the universe.

3. Where there is no trust, avoid eye contact.

As we enter the age of the Great Collision, the realization of the afterlife, unhealed beings will rise to the surface. The elites will deal with them in a timely manner, but in the meantime, it is important to only make eye contact with those you trust. Shadow energy passes easily from one to another through the eyes, so if you doubt someone's intentions, look away. I do suggest becoming sensitive to light energy so you can feel the presence of a kindred spirit and know when to look up.

Of course, we all are or have been miscreants at some point in time for whatever reason. Most of us remain sadists and masochists, which I will tell you is a defense mechanism for surviving the Great Collision. Judge not yourself or others for it is no longer your place.

Oneness comes from seeking those miscreants who share our harmless desires. By 'harmless,' I mean those desires that do not intentionally cause physical or emotional harm to another being (unless they so desire it). Pedophilia remains wholly unacceptable. Anything else is up for grabs and ideas are abundant, ripe for the picking.

When you find your people, build together. Experiment with new technology, seek out new ways to contribute. Be innovative and relentless in the pursuit of satisfaction. Together, you are creating space for your highest selves and also making room for new, higher beings to enter through your work.

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