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Understanding the Truth About Your Shadow and Your Light

We all have a dark side, but that's not all there is to it.

From darkness comes light. The time we spend lost in our shadow or otherwise is designed to be transmuted into light. The reality is that, in our current state of affairs, our shadow selves are a safe haven for our light to rest and grow. Unfortunately, these parts of us have been demonized by those who don't understand and those who understand too much. Fear is the culprit.

Darkness is borne of negative intention. As we know, negative intentions typically come from individuals who have been dwelling in their shadow selves for too long. They can also come from light bodies that have become exhausted in their work. Either way, these intentions push the collective shadow to grow.

Although typically believed to be 'followers of light,' light workers actively pursue darkness and those who have become trapped in it. Much of their time is spent chasing shadows and bringing others to the light for a much needed breath. Whether a shadow's path is to stay in the light is up to the entity itself.

Watching a kindred spirit return to shadow, particularly when the light worker becomes attached, can be incredibly painful and thus may result in unorthodox behaviors and intentions. Eventually, these may exhaust the light body to a point of retreating to and producing shadow.

Shadow will always have a place in the world because it is the fuel on which light burns and grows. The secret is knowing when to snap out of it.

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