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Why You Need to Make Peace with Your 'Past' Lives Now

At this point in time, most people don't deny the existence of 'past' lives. It is, however, difficult for most people to address their own.

The vast majority of us don't 'remember' our 'past' lives except in fleeting moments of déjà vu. The reason for this is both that our singular brains can't fathom parallels for more than a few moments and that in many cases these lives are still replaying in the fifth dimension... tortured until we dive in and rewrite the story.

Entering the fifth dimension is one barrier to success here. To overcome this, I recommend reading Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Once you enter, you will not be able to 'see' your lives right away, but you will be able to feel your way through them. Expect an array of emotions to surface and induce visions. Navigate carefully and work with your past selves to overcome what they couldn't. As you do this, you will unlock nuances to your spirit that make way for your 'past' selves to exist again in you.

Choosing to be the one who overcomes is a declaration of your intention to become the dominant self, the self where your story begins and ends. Performing your shadow work will encourage your active self to become your dominant self and, if you're completely successful, your eternal self. We are all moving into the afterlife, after all.

In the interest of full transparency, entities will die in the wake of your shadow work. If you are co-existing in several reincarnations, reclaiming your consciousness into a single unit can result in death of the entities carrying those lost pieces. You need to accept this truth in order to move forward.

((*To clarify, you likely do not actively encounter those carrying your lost pieces of consciousness. You may be aware of them, however, and news of their passing will likely cross your path in some form. Practice extreme gratitude when this happens. Your success as the dominant self comes at a price for many others.*))

If you need help performing your shadow work, I suggest working through a series of guided meditation sessions with myself or another spiritual guide. Get in touch with me for a free initial consultation.

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