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Your Dominant Self: How to Recapture Lost Pieces of Consciousness

Since November 22, 2018, the astral plane has been sealed off. Previously the go-to dwelling place for lost souls, the plane is now being usurped into our physical realm.

As a society, it is in our hands to recapture the lost pieces of consciousness that remain in this realm. Ultimately, this will empower us to better connect with our ethereal light bodies. When our selves in the astral plane have been entirely united with our physical existence, then we can start to bring our ethereal selves down to earth.

Some people explore the astral through a near death experience. Others use aids like psilocybin and still others are able to reach this place through deep meditation. The key to having a successful meander through the astral is to embrace your dark side. Your dark side can tell you much about pieces of your consciousness that may be lost in the astral (i.e. "what's missing?").

Light workers are also putting in the effort to 'empty' the astral plane and reunite lost pieces of consciousness with their rightful beholders. If you receive an invitation from one of these empathetic bodies to explore your shadow, you are one of the fortunate ones.

If you feel drawn to enter the astral, it is likely because you are destined to become the dominant self. Your spliced consciousness may exist across planes, but you are the iteration expected to pick up the pieces and move forward into the eternal afterlife. I talk a little more about the dominant self here.

If you would like to start your journey with a guided meditation, I invite you to book one here or get in touch with me for a free initial consultation.

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